The summit of creative activity in Upper Bavaria
Ilse Hausner escaped with her future husband Wolfgang Witschel the Russian sector of Germany 1946 and settled down in the foothills of the Alps near to the lake of Tegernsee. The beauty of this region was already known to Wolfgang Witschel due to previous bicycle trips to Italy for studying the Italian sculptures, architecture and painting from medieval ages till Renaissance. During 1948 both married and built by their own hands their highly individual artist house the new center of their creativity. At this place most of the outstanding Oeuvre of both artists has been created.
Ilse Hausner earned their sustenance during the years 1958 - 1961 by commission painting. During this period her activity for the North American market has to be mentioned. A very close business relation with New York located art dealer PAUL SOLOMONS was established in this period with paintings in the style of the paintings of CANALETTO of different views of Venice. These oil paintings have been created by her under the synonym BUSH. Her capacities were small compared to the enormous demand on such paintings on the American market.
Beside that see was also collaborating with some other famous German art dealers like MARTIN JACOB in Hamburg Blankenese.
After 1961 the German art market was ready for the sculptures and fountains of her husband Wolfgang Witschel who built up a quite famous name in the Upper Bavaria Region. The need to produce commission paintings reduced therefore for Ilse Hausner and she decided to concentrate on further development of her individual art style.
The artist couple appreciated a lot the oeuvre of each other. They continuously corrected and inspired each other. This permanent exchange had an important influence on their Oeuvres.
A close friendship connected Ilse Hausner to the famous artist Herbert Beck, since he left Leipzig after second-world-war and settled down in Tegernsee. Her first artist journey to Northern Italy to Torri de Benaco on pictorial banks of Garda-lake happened with him. This was the moment when her love to landscapes of Italy has been born.
Innumerable journeys to Italy, especially to Tuscany did follow. A huge collection of Tuscany landscapes was created during these journeys which were continued till an age of 85 years.